

來源: 發布時間:2022-02-28

3.4 啟動延遲時間/Turn on delay time: 當輸入115Vac和輸出比較大負載時,比較大啟動時間為2S. 2Seconds M 3.5 上升時間/Rise time: 當輸入115Vac和輸出比較大負載時比較大時間為40 mS. 40 mS M 3.6 保持時間/Hold up time: 當輸入115Vac 和輸出比較大負載時,相當小保持時間為5 mS . 5 mS M 3.7 效率/Efficiency: 當115/230Vac輸入電壓時,1/4,1/2,3/4和滿載計算平均效率,相當小77.65%。 77.65%Min, At 115/230Vac input voltage,1/4,1/2,3/4 and full load calculation average efficiency. 適配器滿足能效V。 Adapter meet efficiency lever V。 3. 軸向振動/Axes,10 cycles per axis. 在測試過程中不能出現長久性的損壞. No permanent damage may occur during testing. 在電源開啟和關閉后,樣機能夠恢復到相當初條件. The SAMPLE has to restore to its original situation after power off/on.. 5.5 跌落試驗/Dropping Packed: 插墻式跌落高度為1米、桌面式跌落高度為760mm; 1M for wallmount type and 760mm for desktop type as above described; 測試臺江蘇5V3A澳規SAA認證電源適配器

3.4 啟動延遲時間/Turn on delay time: 當輸入115Vac和輸出比較大負載時,比較大啟動時間為2S. 2Seconds M 3.5 上升時間/Rise time: 當輸入115Vac和輸出比較大負載時比較大時間為40 mS. 40 mS M 3.6 保持時間/Hold up time: 當輸入115Vac 和輸出比較大負載時,相當小保持時間為5 mS . 5 mS M 3.7 效率/Efficiency: 當115/230Vac輸入電壓時,1/4,1/2,3/4和滿載計算平均效率,相當小77.65%。 77.65%Min, At 115/230Vac input voltage,1/4,1/2,3/4 and full load calculation average efficiency. 適配器滿足能效V。 Adapter meet efficiency lever V。 3. 軸向振動/Axes,10 cycles per axis. 在測試過程中不能出現長久性的損壞. No permanent damage may occur during testing. 在電源開啟和關閉后,樣機能夠恢復到相當初條件. The SAMPLE has to restore to its original situation after power off/on.. 5.5 跌落試驗/Dropping Packed: 插墻式跌落高度為1米、桌面式跌落高度為760mm; 1M for wallmount type and 760mm for desktop type as above described; 測試臺福州24V4A澳規SAA認證電源適配器

3、輸出特性/OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS: 3.1 輸出功率/Power output 電壓 Voltage 相當小負載 Min. Load 額定負載 Rated. Load 峰值功率 Peak 輸出功率 Output power 5.5-24 0.01A-4A 0W 2 負載特性,調整率/Combined Load/Line Regulation 電壓 Voltage 相當小負載 Min. Load 額定負載 Rated. Load 線性調整 Line Regulation 負載調整率 Load Regulation 5.5-24Vdc 0.01A-4A ±2% ±5% 3.3 紋波和噪音Ripple and Noise: 測試條件:在輸入115/230Vac 和輸出相當小及比較大負載時,使用示波器帶寬為20MHz 連接到適配器的輸出端,同 時輸出端并聯一個47uF的電解電容和一個0.1uF的瓷片電容. At 115/230Vac input and output Min and Max.Load, the ripple and noise are as follows when measure with Max.Bandwidth of 20MHz and Parallel 47uF/0.1uF,crossed connected at testing point. 電壓比較大紋波/比較大噪音 Voltage Ripple and Noise(Max.) +5.9Vdc 120mV p-p

1、描述/ DESCRIPTION: 本規格書適應于CKA-Q30W The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requirements of a 30 Wswitching power supply. 2、輸入特性/INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: 2.1輸入電壓/Input Voltage: 額定電壓/Rated Voltage:100~240Vac 調整范圍/Variation Range:90-264Vac 2.2輸入頻率/Input Frequency: 額定頻率/ Rated Frequency: 50/60Hz. 調整頻率/Variation Frequency:47-63Hz 2.3輸入電流/Input Current: 當輸入交流電壓為額定值的下限電壓負載滿載時,比較大輸入交流電流0.8A. 0.8Amps maxAt any input voltage and rated, DC output rated load. 2.4浪涌電流/Inrush Current: 當輸出為額定負載,環境溫度為25℃,輸入240Vac冷態起機時無損壞. When the output of the rated load, the ambient temperature is 25℃, input from 240Vac cold machine without damage to 2.5 AC漏電流/Ac Leakage Current: 當輸入電壓240Vac時,比較大漏電流為0.25mA. 0.25mAMax.At240Vacinput.

1、描述/ DESCRIPTION: 本規格書適應于CKA-Q30W The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requirements of a 30 Wswitching power supply. 2、輸入特性/INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: 2.1輸入電壓/Input Voltage: 額定電壓/Rated Voltage:100~240Vac 調整范圍/Variation Range:90-264Vac 2.2輸入頻率/Input Frequency: 額定頻率/ Rated Frequency: 50/60Hz. 調整頻率/Variation Frequency:47-63Hz 2.3輸入電流/Input Current: 當輸入交流電壓為額定值的下限電壓負載滿載時,比較大輸入交流電流0.8A. 0.8Amps maxAt any input voltage and rated, DC output rated load. 2.4浪涌電流/Inrush Current: 當輸出為額定負載,環境溫度為25℃,輸入240Vac冷態起機時無損壞. When the output of the rated load, the ambient temperature is 25℃, input from 240Vac cold machine without damage to 2.5 AC漏電流/Ac Leakage Current: 當輸入電壓240Vac時,比較大漏電流為0.25mA. 0.25mAMax.At240Vacinput.福州24V4A澳規SAA認證電源適配器


3.4 啟動延遲時間/Turn on delay time: 當輸入115Vac和輸出比較大負載時,比較大啟動時間為2S. 2Seconds M 3.5 上升時間/Rise time: 當輸入115Vac和輸出比較大負載時比較大時間為40 mS. 40 mS M 3.6 保持時間/Hold up time: 當輸入115Vac 和輸出比較大負載時,相當小保持時間為5 mS . 5 mS M 3.7 效率/Efficiency: 當115/230Vac輸入電壓時,1/4,1/2,3/4和滿載計算平均效率,相當小77.65%。 77.65%Min, At 115/230Vac input voltage,1/4,1/2,3/4 and full load calculation average efficiency. 適配器滿足能效V。 Adapter meet efficiency lever V。 3. 軸向振動/Axes,10 cycles per axis. 在測試過程中不能出現長久性的損壞. No permanent damage may occur during testing. 在電源開啟和關閉后,樣機能夠恢復到相當初條件. The SAMPLE has to restore to its original situation after power off/on.. 5.5 跌落試驗/Dropping Packed: 插墻式跌落高度為1米、桌面式跌落高度為760mm; 1M for wallmount type and 760mm for desktop type as above described; 測試臺江蘇5V3A澳規SAA認證電源適配器
