三甘醇過濾器乙烯脫硫甲烷脫硫合成氣脫硫精脫硫煉廠蒸汽凝結水處理煉廠蒸汽凝結水除油高溫凝結水除油天然氣脫汞天然氣脫硫天然氣脫重烴天然氣凝析油脫色己二酸脫色精制煤基乙二醇精制聚醚多元醇精制銅箔電解液凈化濕法磷酸凈化合成酯脫色合成酯潤滑油脫色塑化劑脫色油脂脫色甘油脫色電鍍膠體鈀金吸附電鍍脫色除異味乳酸脫色精制醫用乳糖精制水解植物蛋白脫色生物酶脫色食用油除多環芳烴酒用脫色酒用去異味果汁脫色果汁除異味果汁除農藥殘留果汁除生物***污水處理飲用水處理VOC吸附異味治理進口活性炭,活性炭卡博特 SA1。
Technical support is always close at hand. Our team of experts provides ongoing support in advising you on your specific application and treatment goals. Each team member is an expert who is committed to keeping your process running at optimum specifications and output levels. We provide our customers with a worldwide network of sales and service support including activated carbon manufacturing plants in Europe, North America and Latin America. We take our commitment to our customers very seriously. We are proud to work in partnership with you to provide our extensive technical expertise and the most choices in activated carbon. In turn, you can be assured of the best fit for your application, at an optimal price and performance.
上海君宜化工銷售中心(有限合伙)是卡博特諾芮特授權的經銷商。 活性炭是一種微孔結構的炭。其原材料一般是泥煤、木材、褐煤、椰殼、橄欖核或者其它的一些物質。這些物質通過蒸汽或者化學的方法進行活化。活化過程在炭的內部形成了無數分子大小的孔隙,這樣就具有了巨大的內部表面積。每克活性炭的表面積能超過1500平方米。打個比方說,一勺子的活性炭,其表面積和一個足球場一般大