Our production plant is located surrounding the petrochemical plant. We have the advantage of raw material supply. Using the advantage of petrochemical resources, relying on the full understanding of customer requirements and the accurately application of the product function,we will provide the most suitable products to meet the customers own needs.We have the ability to help customers improve the quality and producing process. Quality, service, and value are the management idea of Junyichem. Let the customer benefit from our products and professional services. that is Junyichem's commitment.While adhering to the principle of sustainable development Junyichem provide high quality chemicals and services in an efficient and responsible way create superior. value for customers.
液體可用噴霧或毛刷等工具涂于模具表面,從而形成隔離膜。液體脫模劑以噴涂為佳。為防止環境污染,要選用不易燃燒,氣味和毒性小的脫模劑。在脫模劑選用中,經濟性是不可忽視的重要因素。質量差的脫模劑會使產品表面產生龜裂皺紋,影響產品外觀和模具使用壽命,并帶來環境污染。選擇高質量的噴霧脫模劑,價格較高,但綜合經濟效益高。綜上所述,Mclube脫模劑的選擇要點是:1、脫模性優良,對于噴霧脫模劑表面張力在17~23 N/m之間。2、具有耐熱性,受熱不發生炭化分解。3、化學性能穩定,不與成型產品發生化學反應。4、不影響塑料的二次加工性能。5、不模具,不污染制品,氣味和毒性小。6、外觀光滑美觀;7、易涂布,生產效率高;