(輪胎) 輪胎按照其用途來分,可分給轎車輪胎,輕型載重汽車輪胎,載重和公共汽車輪胎,工程機械輪胎,越野汽車輪胎,農業和林業機械輪胎,工業車輛輪胎,摩托車輪胎,航空輪胎,特種車輛輪胎,力車輪胎,電動車輪胎等,按照結構可以分為斜交線輪胎、子午線輪胎,通常選擇輪胎都是選擇膠囊硫化,膠囊上使用脫模劑目的一是可以幫助輪胎脫模,二是可以延長膠囊的壽命,通常輪胎廠膠囊都選擇噴水性脫模劑,模可離422,模可離422,無氣味,干凈,Mclube 6225非常適用,另外上下模具上也需要噴一層脫模劑,模可離422,可以選MA6125E,多次脫模。
McGee Industries, Inc., more commonly referred to by our brand name, McLube, has offered high-performance release agents, anti-tack coatings and lubricants since 1954. McGee Industries is comprised of the McLube USA, McLube Europe, McLube Asia, and McLube Marine divisions that work in tandem to provide solutions to manufacturers around the world. We supply our trusted formulations to customers in North and South America, Europe and Japan from our corporate headquarters outside Philadelphia, USA. McLube Asia Pvt. Ltd. supplies McLube products to the Asian Pacific Region, Africa, The Middle East and Eastern Europe from its state-of-the-art facilities in Asia. McLube Asia is a joint-venture established in 2000 with facilities in Mumbai and Nashik, Maharashtra, India and Shenzhen, China. McLube Marine supplies high-performance dry-film lubricants and eco-friendly polishes to boating enthusiasts, professional sailors, and Olympians around the world. McGee Industries believes in tailor-made formulations to achieve superior results and strives to be the industry leader in employee and customer satisfaction.