高色素類:M1400 BP1400 M1300 BP1300 M1100 BP1100 M1000 BP1000 中色素類:M900 BP900 M880 BP880 M800 BP800 M700 BP700 高流動性普通色素類:Mogul-L BP-L R400R R400 R500R R250 R250R R99R R99 導電炭黑:BP2000 Vxc72R Vxc72 VUL P BP3200 Vxc605 Vxc305 普通色素類:V9A32 BP570 BP520 R660R R660 R330R R330 BP490 BP480 BP470 BP460 BP450 低色素類:R300R BP430 E8 E115SP BP420 BP410 BP280 BP120 BP110 M120 電力電纜料用:DL8 BP2 BP7 Vxc200 Vxc500 塑料著色用:M900 M880 M800 V9A32 E570 DL430 DL8 油漆油墨用:M1300 M-L E415 R660R R99R R250R R330R R400R MC470 DL430 DL3 防靜電釋放,卡博特BP280、導電用:BP2000 Vxc72 Vxc605 Vxc305
Junyichem Co, LTD is located in Shanghai China. We are a research and production enterprise that serve the chemical industry.we have professional research and technical service team and are committed to become a manufacturer service provider with forward-looking research of new materials in chemical industry. Serve the rubber, plastic, coating, paint, ink and other industries. We have several production bases in China, our products include special additives, resins and functional reinforcing filler etc Junyichem provide special BETA functional additives, annual output of 3000 tons Junyichem provide BETA color master batches, annual output of 3000 tons Betachem provide quality AdvanZ resins annual output.
我們的產品還有:膠愛 塑解劑 Peptizaid 81、Peptizaid 83、Peptizaid 85芳烴油 道達爾橡膠增塑劑 鈷鹽 迪愛生 硬脂酸鈷Co-STEARATE、妥兒酸鈷 DICNATE TALLATE、環烷酸鈷Co-NAPHTHENATE、新癸酸鈷DICANTE 7000、硼;扗ICNATE NBC-2、DICNATE 7200綜合促進劑 Betavulca E01,Betavulca F02,Betavulca F01,Betavulca M01,Betavulca S01粘合助劑 Allnex 湛新PN760, CYREZ 965,CYREZ 964加工助劑 Rubaid 膠愛 加工助劑 Disperaid 4A, Disperaid 12, Eflower 25, Eflower 63,Eflower 64, Profloer 15,Proflower-18, Peptizaid 81, Peptizaid 83,Peptizaid 85, PEG-4000,PEG-6000,PE WAX阻燃協效劑 Elkem ? Sidistar R300,Sidistar R320,Sidistar R320/U抗臭氧劑 防護體系 L-122橡膠脫模劑,聚氨酯脫模劑,保鮮墊布,膠片隔離劑, 英國史提芬孫STEPHENSON膠片隔離劑 ALKON7315 ALKON6500N ALKON6225 ALKON9310AA Prescott 橡膠行業檢測設備,TKM 鋼絲簾布裁斷刀 / 縱切圓盤刀