我們的產品還有:膠愛 塑解劑 Peptizaid 81、Peptizaid 83、Peptizaid 85芳烴油 道達爾橡膠增塑劑 鈷鹽 迪愛生 硬脂酸鈷Co-STEARATE、妥兒酸鈷 DICNATE TALLATE、環烷酸鈷Co-NAPHTHENATE、新癸酸鈷DICANTE 7000、硼酰化鈷DICNATE NBC-2,江蘇原裝模可離代理商,江蘇原裝模可離代理商、DICNATE 7200綜合促進劑 Betavulca E01,Betavulca F02,Betavulca F01,Betavulca M01,Betavulca S01粘合助劑 Allnex 湛新PN760, CYREZ 965,CYREZ 964加工助劑 Rubaid 膠愛 加工助劑 Disperaid 4A,江蘇原裝模可離代理商, Disperaid 12, Eflower 25, Eflower 63,Eflower 64, Profloer 15,Proflower-18, Peptizaid 81, Peptizaid 83,Peptizaid 85, PEG-4000,PEG-6000,PE WAX阻燃協效劑 Elkem 埃肯 Sidistar R300,Sidistar R320,Sidistar R320/U抗臭氧劑 防護體系 L-122橡膠脫模劑,聚氨酯脫模劑,保鮮墊布,膠片隔離劑, 英國史提芬孫STEPHENSON膠片隔離劑 ALKON7315 ALKON6500N ALKON6225 ALKON9310AA Prescott 橡膠行業檢測設備,TKM 鋼絲簾布裁斷刀 / 縱切圓盤刀
Zell McGee, founder of McGee Industries, understood that quality products are not everything. Zell built McGee Industries around his unique employees and needs of the extraordinary customers molding the products on which our modern society relies. From the very beginning, Zell’s McLube brand built a reputation for reliable performance and unparalleled customer responsiveness.
Six decades later, we continue to focus on the customer. We strive to be the most responsive, efficient supplier of release agents and lubricants to customers around the world, large and small. Our technical representatives have the industry-specific knowledge and experience necessary to not only select the appropriate product for your application, but also provide invaluable process, preparation, and application assistance. We will do our due diligence, analyze your unique concerns, and come up with ways for you to cut costs, save time, and reduce waste.
錦湖 高品質三元乙丙膠 低度二烯:KEP-435、KEP-430H中度二烯:KEP-210、KEP-510、KEP-2320、KEP-7141、KEP-240、KEP-570P、KEP-570F、KEP-5770、KEP270、KEP-281F、KEP-2380、KEP-1030F、KEP-282F、KEP-2371、KEP-2372高度二烯:KEP-330、KEP-650L、KEP650、KEP350、KEP-2480、KEP-9590充油型:KEP-960N(F) 、KEP-980N、KEP-4640E、KEP-901、KEP-902N 二元乙丙橡膠:KEP-020P、KEP-070P、KEP-110.贊南 氫化丁腈膠 常規牌號:ZN28255、ZN35056 、ZN35058、ZN35156、ZN35158、ZN35256、ZN35258、ZN43056、ZN43058、ZN43156特殊牌號:ZN35053、ZN35153、ZN35353、ZN35355、ZN350512、ZN39057可以訂制牌號 丙烯腈含量(CAN)50%