Basic Technologies of DICOptics and color
Technologies for controlling substances' chemical and physical structure to determine reflection, transmission and absorption of lightOrganic molecular design
Chemical structure technologies that use organic reactions to obtain certain properties, characteristics and functionalityPolymer design
Technologies for controlling the structure of polymer compounds to obtain certain properties, characteristics and functionalityDispersion
Technologies for ensuring the uniform mixing of substances that do not naturally mix together completelyApplicability assessment (Coating/printing/molding)
Technologies for applying inks and coatings, molding plastics and compounds and forming films, as well as for assessing these products' functionality and characteristics
北歐化工的0201、0203、0210、0230、8201、8203、8210、8230,Vistamaxx威達美VM的 3000、6102、6202、3020FL、3980FL埃克森的Exact POE 9061、9071、9371、9182、黑色母 倍拓化學:BETACHEM 1040、BETACHEM 1044、BETACHEM1050、BETACHEM1020 倍拓1020、倍拓1030、倍拓1050、倍拓1045、君宜1050、君宜1020
炭黑 卡博特V9(N115) 、V6(N220) 、V7H(N234) 、R300(N326) 、V3(N330) 、VM(N339) 、VJ(N375) 、SPSO(550) 、SV(N660) 、SNS(N774) 、SP5000、SP5000A、SPVHA、STERLING SO-1、SP6400石蠟油 道達爾橡膠增塑劑 碳酸鈣 歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 5T-JI、Omyacarb 5T-JI、歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 2T-JI、Omyacarb 2T-JI格拉斯白炭黑 硅鋁酸鈉 RUBBERSIL AS-70、AS-100沉淀法白炭黑 RUBBERSIL RS-50、RS-120、RS-150、RS-200、RS-250 RUBBERSIL 高分散白炭黑 RS-3000TG