上海君宜化工銷售中心(有限合伙)是卡博特諾芮特授權的經銷商。銷售網不斷將國內外化工原料介紹給客戶,憑借與眾多跨國公司及多家國內供應商的良好合作,為客戶提供穩定的產品供應和技術支持,利用自己暢通的銷售渠道為客戶提供各種增值服務。公司現有橡膠事業部、輪胎事業部、彈性體事業部、助劑事業部,負責相關產品的營銷工作。 上海君宜化工銷售中心(有限合伙)是以國內外橡膠、彈性體、特種樹脂、炭黑、助劑等為載體的化工原料分銷網絡。主要服務于以下行業:輪胎、橡膠工業制品、鞋材、混煉膠、電纜料、塑料改性料以及油漆油墨涂料等。 公司總部位于上海,分別在的廣東(廣州)、福建(廈門),諾芮特 GSX、陜西(西安),諾芮特 GSX,諾芮特 GSX、河北(邢臺)、遼寧(沈陽)設有自己的分支機構,同時建立本地倉儲,確保以快捷的方式服務于我們的客戶。
Norit 'leading in purification develops and applies state-of-the-art purification technologies to help society, through our clients, meet environmentalhealth, and safety challenges, and work towards a sustainable future. The Norit Group, headquartered in The Netherlands, supplies consumables, components, systems, and solutions, based on proprietary technology in every step of the water and beverage value chains More than 8 percent of the world's population -over half a billion people- already consumes water purified by Norit! Norit's activated carbon, membranes, pumps, aseptic and hygienic valves, carbon dioxide systems, and quality control equipment rank among the worId's best. Norit offers global coverage with research and development, engi neering, and manufacturing facilities In seven countries. A network of dedicated Norit sales and service enters, business partners, and distributors serves customers in more than 150 countries around the world 。