
贊南 ZANNAN ZN35253 上海君宜化工供應



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我們的產品還有: 北歐化工的0201、0203、0210、0230、8201、8203、8210、8230,Vistamaxx威達美VM的 3000、6102、6202、3020FL、3980FL埃克森的Exact POE 9061、9071、9371、9182,贊南 ZANNAN ZN35253、黑色母 倍拓化學:BETACHEM 1040、BETACHEM 1044、BETACHEM1050、BETACHEM1020 倍拓1020、倍拓1030、倍拓1050、倍拓1045、君宜1050、君宜1020 炭黑 卡博特V9(N115) 、V6(N220) 、V7H(N234) 、R300(N326) 、V3(N330) 、VM(N339) 、VJ(N375) 、SPSO(550) 、SV(N660) 、SNS(N774) ,贊南 ZANNAN ZN35253、SP5000、SP5000A、SPVHA、STERLING SO-1、SP6400石蠟油 道達爾橡膠增塑劑 碳酸鈣 歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 5T-JI、Omyacarb 5T-JI、歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 2T-JI、Omyacarb 2T-JI格拉斯白炭黑 硅鋁酸鈉 RUBBERSIL AS-70、AS-100沉淀法白炭黑 RUBBERSIL RS-50,贊南 ZANNAN ZN35253、RS-120、RS-150、RS-200、RS-250 RUBBERSIL 高分散白炭黑 RS-3000TG

贊南 ZANNAN ZN35253

產品應用 The Application 詹博特氫化丁腈橡膠具有優異的耐油、耐、耐氧化、耐臭氧、耐動態疲勞、耐高低溫以及良好的拉伸強度和機械加工性能。詹博特氫化丁腈橡膠主要應用于汽車制造、油田開采、航空航天、***工業等領域。 Zhanber HNBr has excellent physical properties such as resistance to oil, corrosion, oxidation, ozone, dynamic fatigue, as well as high or low temperature. It also has great tensile strength and mechanical properties.Our product has been widely used in automobile manufacture, oil field exploitation and aerospace

贊南 ZANNAN ZN35253

Zannan SciTech Co. Ltd is a dynamic high-tech enterprise founded in 2009, and the headquarter is located in Shanghai Xinzhuang Industrial Zone. We lay much stress on scientific and technological innovation, and is committed to the development and production of high performance catalyst and new polymer materials. At present, we have possessed a number of independent intellectual property rights for the internationally leading technologies and successfully developed series of Zhan Catalyst products Zhanber HNBR and PDCPD Our production plant has been set up in Jiaxing, Zhejiang specialized in the production of Zhan Catalyst and Zhanber HNBR

贊南 ZANNAN ZN35253

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