Our production plant is located surrounding the petrochemical plant. We have the advantage of raw material supply. Using the advantage of petrochemical resources,贊南 ZANNAN ZN43156, relying on the full understanding of customer requirements and the accurately application of the product function, we will provide the most suitable products to meet the customers own needs. We have the ability to help customers improve the quality and producing process. Quality, service,贊南 ZANNAN ZN43156,贊南 ZANNAN ZN43156, and value are the management idea of Junyichem. Let the customer benefit from our products and professional services. that is Junyichem's commitment. While adhering to the principle of sustainable development Junyichem provide high quality chemicals and services in
上海君宜化工銷售中心(有限合伙)是以國內外橡膠、彈性體、特種樹脂、炭黑、助劑等為載體的化工原料分銷網絡。主要服務于以下行業:輪胎、橡膠工業制品、鞋材、混煉膠、電纜料、塑料改性料以及油漆油墨涂料等。 公司總部位于上海,分別在的廣東(廣州)、福建(廈門)、陜西(西安)、河北(邢臺)、遼寧(沈陽)設有自己的分支機構,同時建立本地倉儲,確保以快捷的方式服務于我們的客戶。 上海君宜化工銷售中心(有限合伙)銷售網不斷將國內外化工原料介紹給客戶,憑借與眾多跨國公司及多家國內供應商的良好合作,為客戶提供穩定的產品供應和技術支持,利用自己暢通的銷售渠道為客戶提供各種增值服務。公司現有橡膠事業部、輪胎事業部、彈性體事業部、助劑事業部,負責相關產品的營銷工作。 其中塑化部目前代理的產品主要是:美國EXXONMOBIL聚烯烴彈性體、EXXELOR相容劑、北歐化工POE、美國卡博特特種炭黑與白炭黑、卡博特黑色母等。該類產品具有普遍適用性,我們的用戶遍及改性塑料、電纜料、管材、鞋材、TPE、土工膜、薄膜包裝、涂料、油墨、絕緣子等數個行業領域。
產品應用 The Application 詹博特氫化丁腈橡膠具有優異的耐油、耐、耐氧化、耐臭氧、耐動態疲勞、耐高低溫以及良好的拉伸強度和機械加工性能。詹博特氫化丁腈橡膠主要應用于汽車制造、油田開采、航空航天、***工業等領域。 Zhanber HNBr has excellent physical properties such as resistance to oil, corrosion, oxidation, ozone, dynamic fatigue, as well as high or low temperature. It also has great tensile strength and mechanical properties.Our product has been widely used in automobile manufacture, oil field exploitation and aerospace