Our production plant is located surrounding the petrochemical plant. We have the advantage of raw material supply. Using the advantage of petrochemical resources, relying on the full understanding of customer requirements and the accurately application of the product function, we will provide the most suitable products to meet the customers own needs,增韌劑8201. We have the ability to help customers improve the quality and producing process,增韌劑8201,增韌劑8201. Quality, service, and value are the management idea of Junyichem. Let the customer benefit from our products and professional services. that is Junyichem's commitment. While adhering to the principle of sustainable development Junyichem provide high quality chemicals and services in
賣點:低溫熱封性 可熱封 抗穿孔性 無鹵 清晰度高 耐低溫沖擊 良好的柔韌性 辛烯共聚單體接觸的低溫抗沖擊性,低比重,接觸的熱風性能,各種基礎聚合物相容性優異,優異的柔順性和抗刺穿性,高的無機物填充性,優越的伸長率和高彈性,良好的透光率和電絕緣性能。 用途:合成軟木塞 塑料改性 家用貨品 層壓板 泡沫 薄膜,適用于擠出,吹塑,發泡。用于電線電纜工業上中低壓電線電纜料,尤其適合低煙無鹵阻燃料,化妝品,食品等軟包裝,運動鞋底發泡中底,大底等,阻燃母料,拉伸膜,纏繞膜,各類保鮮膜。也用于工業壓制品如膠管,輸送帶,膠布和模壓制品。醫療器械以及家用電器,文體用品,玩具等。
我們的產品還有: 北歐化工的0201、0203、0210、0230、8201、8203、8210、8230,Vistamaxx威達美VM的 3000、6102、6202、3020FL、3980FL埃克森的Exact POE 9061、9071、9371、9182、黑色母 倍拓化學:BETACHEM 1040、BETACHEM 1044、BETACHEM1050、BETACHEM1020 倍拓1020、倍拓1030、倍拓1050、倍拓1045、君宜1050、君宜1020 炭黑 卡博特V9(N115) 、V6(N220) 、V7H(N234) 、R300(N326) 、V3(N330) 、VM(N339) 、VJ(N375) 、SPSO(550) 、SV(N660) 、SNS(N774) 、SP5000、SP5000A、SPVHA、STERLING SO-1、SP6400石蠟油 道達爾橡膠增塑劑 碳酸鈣 歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 5T-JI、Omyacarb 5T-JI、歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 2T-JI、Omyacarb 2T-JI格拉斯白炭黑 硅鋁酸鈉 RUBBERSIL AS-70、AS-100沉淀法白炭黑 RUBBERSIL RS-50、RS-120、RS-150、RS-200、RS-250 RUBBERSIL 高分散白炭黑 RS-3000TG