KEP 等級 油類 (每百分橡膠) 門尼粘度 (ML1 4@125℃) 含量 (重%) 乙烯含量 (重%) 產品外形 *1) 共聚物 KEP-020P 25 *2) - 71 P KEP-070P 69 *2) - 71 P 三元共聚物 低度二烯 KEP-435 34 2.3 57 B 中度二烯 KEP-240 42 4.5 57 B KEP-270 71 4.5 57 B KEP-510 23 5.7 71 B KEP-570F 59 4,KEP980.5 70 FB KEP-570P 53 4.5 52 P KEP-7141 27 4.5 52 B KEP-281F 83*3 5.7 67 FB KEP-1030F 86*3 4,KEP980.5 62 FB KEP-901 100 50*3 4.8 70 B KEP-960(F) 50 49*3 5.7 70 B,FB KEP-980 75 58*3 4,KEP980.5 70.5 B 高度二烯 KEP-321 30 9.5 52 B KEP-330 28 7.9 57 B KEP-350 56 7.9 57 B KEP-650 49 8.7 59 B KEP-650L 41 8.7 59 B
Our production plant is located surrounding the petrochemical plant. We have the advantage of raw material supply. Using the advantage of petrochemical resources, relying on the full understanding of customer requirements and the accurately application of the product function, we will provide the most suitable products to meet the customers own needs. We have the ability to help customers improve the quality and producing process. Quality, service, and value are the management idea of Junyichem. Let the customer benefit from our products and professional services. that is Junyichem's commitment. While adhering to the principle of sustainable development Junyichem provide high quality chemicals and services in
與其他常用的通用橡膠或特種橡膠相比,三元乙丙橡膠的主要性能優勢在于以下幾方面 [2] : (1)高,生膠密度只有0.86~0.90g/cm3,是生膠密度輕的常用橡膠;且可大量填充以降低膠料成本。 (2)優異的耐老化特性,耐天候、耐臭氧、耐日光、耐熱、耐水、耐水蒸氣、耐紫外線、耐輻射等老化性能,在與其他不飽和的二烯類橡膠如NR、SBR、BR、NBR、和CR等并用時,EPDM可起到高分子抗氧劑或防老劑的作用。 (3)優異的耐化學藥品特性,耐酸、堿、洗滌劑、動植物油、醇、酮等;杰出的耐水、耐過熱水、耐水蒸氣性能;耐性油性能。 (4)優良的絕緣性能,體積電阻率1016Q·cm、擊穿電壓30~40MV/m、介電常數(1kHz,20℃)2.27。 (5)適用溫度范圍廣,比較低使用溫度-40~-60℃,可長期在130℃條件下使用。